4.5_Departments_tnThe City of Campbell River is made up of Divisions and Departments (Org Chart) which operate under the overall leadership of the City Manager. The City Manager reports to City Council and holds the task of implementing the priorities and strategic initiatives approved by Council. Each Division is led by a General Manager and each department is administrated by a Manager.

Administration/City Manager's Office

The Chief Administrative Officer/City Manager assists Council to establish its strategic direction for the City; promotes Council teambuilding; and acts as the liaison for the Mayor.  more...

Asset Management

The Asset Management Department is structured to ensure that City facilities are operated and maintained in an efficient, cost-effective and sustainable manner that provides staff and the public a safe environment. more...

Bylaw Enforcement

The goal of Bylaw Enforcement is to gain compliance with City regulatory bylaw requirements using the following means: inform, educate and as a last resort, enforce. more...

Capital Works

The Capital Works Department has been established within the City's Facilities and Supply Management Division to provide consistent delivery of all the City's major capital projects. more...


Communications works with all City departments to help provide clear, consistent and complete information about City services for members of the public, the media and employees – and to encourage feedback. We welcome your questions or suggestions. more...

Community Planning & Development Services

The Community Planning & Development Services department provides a single point of service related to uses of private property, development and building projects, environmental services, and the City’s sustainability and long range planning initiatives..  more...


The Financial Services Department manages the City's Financial Information System, which includes the provision of accounting services such as payroll, accounts payable, taxation, utility billings, investments, debt management, and general accounts receivable. more...


Read a wide variety of information on the Fire Department including who we are, what services we offer and fire safety tips for you and your family. more...

Human Resources

The Human Resources Department is responsible for a variety of services including employment, recruiting and staffing, compensation, labour relations, training, occupational health and safety, and the development of human resources policies. more...

Information Technology

The Information Technology Department of the City of Campbell River is responsible for the electronic assets of the City. This includes the network infrastructure, servers, workstations and laptops, GIS and Business Systems. more...

Legislative Services

The office of the City Clerk provides administrative services to Council and its committees, to all City departments and to the citizens of Campbell River. more...


The Parks Department is responsible for Strategic Parks Planning and Projects, Parks Maintenance and the Community Beautification Program. more...

Property Services

This department strives to strategically acquire and maintain land-based resources, both land inventory and land reserve funds and use City land for maximum community benefit – now and in the future. more...


Policing Services for the Campbell River Area is run by the RCMP. more...

Recreation and Culture

The Recreation and Culture Department is responsible for the coordination of leisure and recreation programs, field bookings, culture activities and the supervision and rental of facilities included in the Sportsplex, Community Centre, Centennial Pool and Discovery Pier. more...

Supply Management

Supply Management is a service department that is responsible for acquiring goods and services and managing the disposal of surplus materials for the City in an ethically professional and cost-effective manner. more...


The Transportation Department is responsible for the long term planning, operations and maintenance of the City’s road network, including roadways, sidewalks, traffic signals, street signs, crosswalks and bike routes. more...


The Utilities Department is responsible for the overall coordinated management of the City's Water and Wastewater Systems.  more...

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