Official Community Plan Bylaw

What is an OCP? Find documents related to the OCP Bylaw. more.

OCP Amendment

In assessing your development proposal an amendment to the Official Community Plan may be necessary, whether it is an amendment to the text of the document or a change to the land use designation. more...

Great Blue Heron and Bald Eagle Nest Trees

At the July 11, 2022 Council meeting, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3796, 2022 was given third reading and adopted. The Amendment Bylaw adds Great Blue Heron Nest Trees to the Bald Eagle Nest Tree Development Permit Area and improves the guidelines.  more... 

Quinsam Heights Estate Designation

In 2017 the City’s Official Community Plan was amended to adjust the boundaries of the “Estate” land use designation in Quinsam Heights. However, following ongoing feedback from residents, developers and City staff, Council is proposing to remove this designation from the Quinsam Neighbourhood entirely and replace it with the standard “Neighbourhood” designation that exists in most of the other residential parts of the City. more...

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