
The application fees and charges are outlined in the 3856 Development Applications Procedures Bylaw, 2022 Consolidated to Bylaw 3943, 2024. The schedule below sets out the fees imposed for development related activities such as Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendments, Agriculture Land Reserve applications, Development Permits, Development Variance Permits, Board of Variance appeals and fees for Subdivisions.

View  Development Application Fees

Refundable Amounts

  1. Development Fees that are refunded prior to the file/application circulation are eligible for the cost of the Development Fee less 10% for administration.
  2. Development Fees that are refunded after circulation and prior to Development Services Department report to Council (or City Manager) for consideration are eligible for the cost of the Development Fee less 30% for administrative costs.
  3. Development Fees that are refunded at or after Council has completed 1st and 2nd reading of a bylaw but prior to scheduling of the public hearing are eligible for the cost of the Development Fee less 60% for administrative costs.
  4. No development fees will be refunded after an application has had a public hearing or the public notification has been completed.
  5. Subdivision applications that are withdrawn after circulation but before the issuance of Preliminary Layout Approval are eligible for the cost of the Subdivision Fee less 30% for administrative costs.
  6. Subdivision fees are non-refundable after Preliminary Layout has been issued.
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