We all want to enjoy welcoming, safe, clean and attractive green spaces. Campbell River is working to address illegal dumping. No dumping means no more unnecessary harm to the community and our natural environment. By eliminating illegal dumping we show the community’s pride and standards – illegal dump sites only encourage further dumping and other criminal activity.

There are many disposal options listed below, so there is no excuse. All illegal dumping should be reported. Dumped materials may include yard waste, household trash, unwanted items, and a variety of scrap materials. Impacts include the environmental contamination of streams, rivers, lakes, soil, groundwater, drinking water, along with the degradation of native plant, wildlife and fish habitats. Dumpsites bring increased risk of fire and the fires are often very difficult to extinguish and can release harmful fumes into the air. Illegal dumping can also affect public health, presenting a danger to children playing nearby and potentially contributing to the spread of disease carried by rodents, mosquitoes and other pests attracted by dumpsites. The total social and economic impact of dumpsites is difficult to measure, but illegal dumping will lower property values, deter tourism and tie up city resources.

Yard Waste

Yard Waste is one of the most common types of illegally dumped waste. While biodegradable, yard waste dumping has a serious impact on our environment and biodiversity conservation. Improperly disposed yard waste can attract rats and pests that can spread disease and venture into our homes. It only takes one spark to ignite dried out piles of branches and prunings. Dumped yard waste smothers seedlings, carries plant disease, and causes nitrogen deficiencies in the soil that can kill native plants. Not only are non-native species like Scotch Broom introduced by yard waste, dumping creates “dead zones” that become entry points for invasive species.

How You Can Help

Illegal dumping is a big problem, but there are many ways you can help:

  • Keep your property trash-free to discourage dumping.
  • Educate others on the legal options available.
  • Organize a neighborhood clean-up.
  • Report Illegal Dumpers.

Disposal Options

Curbside Garbage Pickup — Weekly curbside garbage pickup of 80L will remove household trash (under 20 kilograms/45 pounds per container). For more than one container, garbage tags can be purchased at City Hall, the Sportsplex, or Community Centre. 

Landfill — The Campbell River Waste Management Centre is open seven days a week, and will accept  larger items such as appliances and construction waste.

Recycling and Yard Waste (organics) — Weekly recycling pickup will remove an unlimited amount of recyclables, so long as a City-supplied blue box is used (additional containers are permitted). Weekly organics pick-up occurs year-round on the same day as your garbage collection. For more information or organics collection, visit the Organics page or call Emterra at 250-286-0211. Also consider backyard composting.

Motor Oil and Other Items — Motor oil can be taken to several locations in town, listed at Used Oil Recycling BC.  Multi-material drop-off sites in town will take glass and other recyclable items. For a directory of local recycling facilities and materials accepted, contact the Recycling Council of BC at 1-800-667-4321 or online at Recycling Council of BC.

Hazardous Waste – The Encorp Return-It Centre (listed above) accepts many hazardous materials, often without charge.  Also check at the point of purchase if items can be returned – many retailers will accept them. Common items include electronic waste, gasoline, pesticides and paint, which can all be taken to the Encorp Return-It Centre/Campbell River Bottle Depot.  Read more...

Report Illegal dumping 

To report illegal dumping, please contact the Comox Strathcona Waste Management website.

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