The City of Campbell River is a signatory to the BC Climate Action Charter and has a Community Energy and Emissions Plan that targets energy conservation and renewable energy generation. Renewable energy is energy that comes from non-fossil fuel sources such as solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, biomass, sewage heat recovery and others. Campbell River is one of BC’s Solar Communities and has solar hot water installations on four municipal facilities, as well as a solar ready regulation requiring all new single family homes to be built with the piping and conduits for solar hot water. The City of Campbell River, and its economic development function, Rivercorp, are also part of a provincial network called the Pacific Tidal Energy Development Consortium, working to promote tidal energy development in Campbell River and the surrounding region.

Solar Community

On 29 May 2010, the City of Campbell River was designated a "Solar Community" by SolarBC in recognition of our community efforts supporting solar hot water usage.  more...

Solar Energy

Solar energy is an abundant renewable resource that can be used to meet many energy needs.  more...

Solar Hot Water

A free online solar assessment is available through SolarBC.   more...

Tidal Power

The City of Campbell River is interested in supporting the development of a tidal energy industry, research and environmental monitoring in the region.   more...

Why Solar?

Advances in solar technology have made solar panels more compact and efficient. more...

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