The City is in the process of updating the Master Transportation Plan. This document reviews the future transportation needs of the community, alternate transportation choices, and the provision of multi modal transportation opportunities. more...


A study is complete to review opportunities to improve Alder Street.  Consideration is being given to how to best balance Alder Street’s role as one of the primary north-south routes and provide safe access to the many single-family homes in the area. more...

Master Transportation Plan, 2012

In 2012, in conjunction with the Sustainable Official Community Plan, the City completed a Master Transportation Plan with Urban Systems Ltd.  more...

Transit Future Plan, 2011

Transit has tremendous potential to contribute to more economically vibrant, livable, and sustainable communities. more...

Downtown and Campbellton Area Transportation Network and Parking Plan, 2007

The Downtown and Campbellton Area Transportation Network and Parking Plan was completed by Opus Hamilton in 2007. This report includes recommendations for improvements to traffic flows and parking. more...

South Island Highway (19A) Conceptual Design (Phase2), 2005

The South Island Highway (19A) Conceptual Design – Phase 2 report was completed by Lanarc Consultants in 2005. The report outlines a general plan for Highway 19A between Jubilee Parkway to 1st Avenue.In summary, the report considers a 3 lane cross-section, with bike lanes, sidewalk, an expanded Sea Walk, undergrounding Hydro lines, and additional parking locations. more...

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