The City’s Main Distribution System involves a network of water mains that deliver water from the Campbell River Water Supply Centre throughout the City to over 10,000 residential connections, 650 Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional (ICI) customers, and bulk supply to three First Nations Reserves and Area D of the Strathcona Regional District. The City’s Industrial Park System delivers water from the Campbell River Water Supply Centre to PRT, industrial users, and a small group of residents.

Water is pumped overland from John Hart Lake and then feeds into the Main Distribution System by gravity through bulk transmission mains to eight pressure zones. The pressure zones are controlled by 23 pressure reducing stations. During high demand conditions, the Evergreen Reservoir, Beaver Lodge Forest Reservoir and Snowden Reservoir increase supply to maintain pressure to the central, southern and northern areas of the system. The main distribution system delivers water through a network of pipes that stretch over 300 km throughout the City. The distribution system is comprised of many components including pressure reducing valves, hydrants, valves and water mains and is one of the most complex distribution systems existing in British Columbia.

The Industrial Park System is supplied from the Campbell River Water Supply Centre along Snowden Road to the Snowden Forest Reservoir and through a pipe network that services the Industrial Park and various residents in the area
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