In 2018, the City of Campbell River partnered with ICLEI Canada (Local Governments for Sustainability) to engage in the Together for Climate: Managing Risk through Community Collaboration project, a two-year collaborative planning initiative aimed at developing a localized Community Climate Adaptation Plan (CCAP).  Funding was made available by the Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia.

As one of eight participating local governments on Vancouver Island to participate in the Together for Climate project, the City embarked on a four-phase climate adaptation planning process. The objectives were to:

  • Work together with local partners in a community-wide adaptation planning effort predicated on climate change modelling data
  • Identify local vulnerabilities and potential future climate impacts
  • Assess and prioritize climate risks
  • Develop an implementation-ready adaptation plan that addresses location-specific risks

Project Partners

The development of the Climate Adaptation Plan is being guided by the concerted efforts of the following project partners:

  • Strathcona Regional District
  • Strathcona Emergency Program
  • Department of Fisheries and Oceans
  • Island Health
  • Greenways Land Trust
  • North Island College
  • BC Ferries
  • Homalco First Nation
  • We Wai Kai First Nation
  • BC Hydro
  • Campbell River & District Chamber of Commerce
  • School District 72
  • Campbell River Environment Committee
  • Vancouver Island University

Together for Climate Project Timeline

Climate Project Timeline 2019

Phase 1: Regional Climate Projections and Potential Impacts

During phase 1, project partners assessed climate science and future projections for the Campbell River region, followed by drafting impact statements. An impact statement is intended to capture a climatic threat (e.g. rising temperatures), the outcome of the climatic change (e.g. extreme heat event), and the potential consequences associated with the outcome (e.g. heat stress). Impacts looked at future climatic threats and potential effects on our community's built, natural, and social environment.

The link below provides an overview of the climate change impact statements generated.

Climate Change Impact Statements

Phase 2: Vulnerability and Risk Assessment 

During this phase, stakeholders conducted both a vulnerability and risk assessment. The vulnerability assessment looked at how susceptible Campbell River is to climate change impacts as they relate to built, natural and social systems. Vulnerability scores were determined by two factors: sensitivity (susceptibility to climate impact) and adaptive capacity (ability to cope/recover from the impact).

A risk assessment was then carried out to examine the level of risk of any given impact. Risk level was determined by the likelihood of a projected impact occurring, multiplied by the consequence (or estimated ramifications) of a particular impact as it relates to the natural, built, and social environment.

The purpose of both exercises was to improve understanding of local impacts and major service areas likely to be most acutely affected so that top risks can inform action prioritization. The full 7 stage risk assessment process framework that was used for this process can be viewed below:

Risk Assessment Framework

The full Risk Assessment Summary Report can be viewed here:

Risk Assessment Summary Report

Phase 3: Action Planning

Phase 3 consisted of strategizing suggested adaptation measures that the City, local partners, and/or the community can take to address prioritized climate risks. Implementation tables were also developed to as part of the planning process to provide a realistic picture of how adaptation measures can be implemented in practice. The list of actions and corresponding implementation tables that were developed now form the basis of a draft Community Climate Adaptation Plan for the community.

Phase 4: Community Climate Adaptation Plan

On April 12, 2021 the Campbell River City Council adopted the Community Climate Adaptation Plan (CCAP), which carves a path for Campbell River to prepare for and respond to current and future climate impacts. The link below provides a snapshot of what's in the Community Climate Adaptation Plan, including a complete list of the suggested 33 actions.

CCAP Summary List of Actions

The full plan can be viewed here: Community Climate Adaptation Plan


The work is funded by the Real Estate Foundation of BC. We thank them and ICLEI Canada for the support that makes this work possible.

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