Sustainable Campbell RiverThe Sustainable Official Community Plan (SOCP) affects every citizen in the community - it sets direction in areas such as preservation of the environment, economic development, land use planning, growth management, housing infrastructure, transportation, energy and emissions management, open space planning, key social and cultural aspects of our community, community facilities and services, and the food system.


The SOCP was adopted by City Council in February 2012. It was the first major review of the community-wide policies in Campbell River since 2005. While many aspects of the 2005 OCP are still relevant, this plan incorporates a more up to date vision for the future of the community that addresses and incorporates many issues that have and are expected to affect Campbell River. This plan also is unique as it offeres a 50-year vision of the community to ensure Campbell River remains vital and moves toward sustainability.

Artwork: Jill Banting

An estimated 1500 stakeholders, partners, and citizens provided input at outreach events, participated in surveys or attended Community Forums that informed the development of this plan. From these participants, the City recorded over 2000 'inputs' into the process. A citizen steering committee was struck to ensure the public engagement program had integrity. Steering Committee members were invited to four meetings to comment on proposed public stakeholder engagement activities at each phase of the planning process. Their input contributed to the most successful planning process in Campbell River's history. The energy and involvement that the community brought to this process resulted in Campbell River winning the "Civic Engagement Award" at the Union of BC Municipalities annual general meeting in September 2011.

SCR: Framework Campbell River's Integrated Community Sustainability Plan

The Sustainable Campbell River: Framework is the City's Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP) and details a comprehensive and integrated approach to making progress toward sustainability in Campbell River. The Sustainable Campbell River: Framework presents a 50-year vision for the community; the strategies, integrated goals and actions detailed in this framework aim to guide the City towards this desired outcome.

By completing the Sustainable Campbell River: Framework, Campbell River fulfills the requirements of the Gas Tax agreement, an agreement between the Government of Canada and the Union of British Columbia Municipalities. The Gas Tax Agreement encourages communities to develop Integrated Community Sustainability Plans and requires gas tax generated funds to be used toward projects that make a transformative difference in the sustainability and prosperity of communities.

SCR: Framework Integrated Community Sustainability Plan


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