Get involved

The City wants to work with you to build resiliency through awareness and preparation. Your feedback on values and strategies will inform how the City plans for, and adapts to, sea level rise in Campbell River. 


Thank you to everyone who attended our third workshop on May 30, where we discussed the draft recommended strategies for addressing sea level rise in Campbell River.

Regardless of whether you attended this workshop, you can complete our brief online workbook to learn about, and provide input on the draft recommended strategies. The results of this will be used by City staff and Council to refine options as they develop a long term sea level rise strategy for Campbell River.   
Workshop Results

Workshop 1 Results (Updated August 2019): Where the topic of sea level rise was introduced and community values related to our waterfront features were explored. 

Workshop 2 Results (March 2019): Where feedback on draft adaptation options and related community values were gathered.

Workshop 3 Results (May, 2019): Where draft recommended strategies for sea level rise adaptation were reviewed. 


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