Studies to Date:

2020 Housing Needs Report Qualitative and quantitative information was gathered and analyzed to provide a clear understanding of housing needs. Satisfies the provincial Housing Needs Report mandate and will serve Campbell River from the years 2021 to 2025.

2019 Housing Growth Review (Dillon Consulting)was completed in anticipation of the ongoing growth of the City and a desire to follow good planning practices while adhering to the Sustainable Official Community Plan. In particular, the question of expanding the urban containment boundary was considered.

2018 Regional Housing Needs Assessment was prepared to provide a baseline understanding of housing needs in the Strathcona Regional District. Involved community profiling, regional housing context, housing need, affordability analysis. Community engagement conducted in Campbell River.

2016 Residential Market Update (Rollo) was conducted to forecast demand for housing types in Campbell River. Housing supply, market drivers, and buyer profiles were used to estimate how many units and what types of units would be in demand for a ten-year period.

Housing Strategy

The City of Campbell River has historically had a competitive advantage over comparably sized communities by being a relatively affordable place to live. Since 2010, however, like many BC communities, the city has experienced significant new growth, placing pressure on prices and rents across the housing spectrum. Most recent Statistics Canada data reveals that between 2016 and 2021, the city’s population grew by 7.6%, and based on current projections, the population of the city could grow to almost 50,000 residents by 2043, requiring the creation of over 5,447 new residential units (272 homes per year). To accommodate this growth and aligning with federal and provincial housing initiatives, a comprehensive plan is needed to ensure that the City can facilitate the rapid development of housing in the city.

Housing Needs Report

The British Columbia Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has introduced legislation which requires all municipalities and Regional Districts to produce an updated Housing Needs Report (by 2022) and every five years afterwards. Local governments are responsible for gathering data, analyzing trends, and preparing a report that outlines current and anticipated housing needs. The new report requirements are meant to create an accurate and comprehensive picture of the housing situation in each community across the province.

Substantial qualitative and quantitative information has been gathered and carefully analyzed to provide a clearer understanding of Campbell River’s housing needs from the past, the present, and into the future.

New Supportive Housing for Campbell River


220121 BCH Dogwood Cam002BC Housing, the City of Campbell River and the Vancouver Island Mental Health Society (VIMHS) are working together to build 50 new homes with support services for people experiencing or at-risk of homelessness at 580 Dogwood Street. BC Housing will lease a portion of the site fronting Dogwood from the City of Campbell River to provide self-contained, studio homes for those in need. VIMHS, a local non-profit organization, will manage the property, with staff on-site 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to provide a range of support services for residents.

Rendering - Dogwood HousingCampbell River recorded 81 people experiencing homelessness in 2018. This number is believed to have grown since then due to rising housing costs, low rental vacancy rates and COVID-19. Not only are these 50 new homes for people who need them, but this housing will also help to address the challenges associated with homelessness being felt around the community.

For more information, please reference the following documents:

Rendering - Dogwood HousingPlease visit Let's Talk Housing BC to learn more about the proposal, ask questions, and provide input. You can also send questions or feedback to communityrelations@bchousing.org

Questions for the City of Campbell River can be directed to sustainability@campbellriver.ca


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