The City of Campbell River offers a wide variety of fitness opportunities for adults and youth with parental permission. Fitness programs are offered at both the Community Centre and Sportsplex.
All fitness classes are coed and adult orientated.
Check out our schedule for class times, descriptions and cost on the link provided below.
Youth ages 13 to 15 years old may participate in a fitness class or use the weight room upon completion of a permission slip by a parent or guardian. Youth must attend the weight room during supervised time, or complete the Independent Youth Weight Training Course offered by our fitness staff. This course is offered throughout the year. Call or visit our offices for more details.
Are you new to our facility? Not sure where to start? Cardio, weights or both? Let us introduce you to the Weight Room and cardio equipment during any supervised time for FREE. We know how hard it is to start something new and we want you to feel comfortable with us, we want you to come back! Check the schedule for supervised days and times. We look forward to meeting you!
Please note: If you require a personal program design, are injured or recovering from an injury you may need Post Rehabilitation or Personal Training which is not included in the introduction.
Need a little more personal attention? How about some personal training to provide encouragement, motivation, guidance and support by designing a program specifically for you.
- Increase energy
- Lower body fat
- Tone muscle
- Train for a specific sport
We have a package to suit your needs. Please complete this Personal Training Client Information Package and return to us at your earliest convenience. Call the Sportsplex, 250.923.7911 or Community Centre, 250-286-1161 for more information.