The City of Campbell River looks to purchase goods and services in a manner that offers the best overall value to the City. Effective procurement is an essential service in the public sector to ensure the best value is found and that purchasing decisions are made without bias or favour. It allows an equal opportunity for qualified suppliers to bid for City business and to maintain a high standard of financial stewardship. This will ensure that purchases are consistent, provide accountability and transparency by reducing ambiguity as to the goods and services that are procured using public funds.
Bids and Tenders
Notices of procurement opportunities are posted on the BC Bid website along with the Bids and Tenders e-bidding system where the downloadable documents are available which allows businesses to easily register, search, and submit bids for goods, services, and construction projects online. There are no fees or charges for accessing or downloading the City of Campbell River opportunities via Bids and Tenders.
Businesses need to LOG IN or CREATE AN ACCOUNT to access bid and tender opportunities before downloading the bid documents.
For technical support, email or call 1-800-594-4798.
Required Documents
The City of Campbell River require the following minimum documentation when providing services to the City:
- Minimum $2,000,000 Comprehensive General Liability Insurance with a provision naming the City as an additional insured and cross liability clause.
- $2,000,000 Motor Vehicle Insurance, including Bodily Injury and Property Damage on any licensed motor vehicles.
- Professional Liability Errors and Omissions insurance in the amount of not less than $500,000 per occurrence and a minimum of $2,000,000 aggregate for all claims.
- A current Certificate of Clearance from WorkSafeBC.
- A signed City of Campbell River Safety Covenant.
- A electronic copy of your Health & Safety program, if applicable.
- All other required insurances, licenses, and Federal, Provincial, and Municipal permits when applicable.
These minimum requirements may vary and change depending on the specific requirements of the project.
Doing Business with the City?
You are invited to tell us about your company and marketing information by sending us an email.
Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
City of Campbell River - Purchase Order Terms & Conditions
Invoices & Payments
When working for the City of Campbell River, you will be required to complete an Electron Fund Transfer (EFT) Application form. Approved payments for invoices will be electronically transferred to the bank account supplied. Also, a document indicating the amount paid and the invoice will be emailed to your place of business.

301 St. Ann's Road
Campbell River, BC
V9W 1W2