• Sep 09, 2021

    Highlights of September 7, 2021 Council meeting

    For public health and safety, meetings use online video conferencing technology.
    Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at campbellriver.ca/webcasts. 


    ·         Proof of vaccination at City recreation facilities – Following provincial public health orders, as of Sept. 13, anyone 12 years or older will have to provide proof of vaccination to enter the Sportsplex in Willow Point and the Community Centre downtown. By Oct. 24, people will have to be fully vaccinated for at least seven days to access these facilities. Council authorized a budget of up to $125,000 to set up two check booths with security hosts at the public entrance to these facilities.
    Proof of vaccination is not required to vote on Sept. 20 at the Sportsplex.

    ·         In-person Council meetings to resume in October – Preparing to return to City Hall for in-person meetings, starting Oct. 4, Council gave first three readings of an amendment to the Council procedure bylaw, which permits up to three Council members to participate electronically (the same bylaw language that was in place prior to the COVID-19 pandemic). This bylaw will be brought back for adoption at a special meeting on Sept. 28. Safety procedures and options for public input are being developed.

    ·         Remedial action approved for two properties – Council directed that the owners of 204 Hilchey Rd. and 845 Marina Blvd. must conduct maintenance on their properties to comply with the municipal public nuisance bylaw. City contractors will perform the work required to achieve compliance in the event that the property owners do not clean up the unsightly premises.

    ·         Downtown Safety: Implementation Approach – Council approved funding for improved safety throughout the greater downtown area. Council authorized up to $100,000 for night-time security services to monitor public spaces. This service will be provided seven days a week to match the level of private downtown security services contracted by the business community. Council also approved funding of up to $78,000 for increased downtown cleanliness, possibly in partnership with volunteers, or other agencies.



Highlights of September 7, 2021 Council meeting

by Tanya Gunn | Sep 09, 2021

For public health and safety, meetings use online video conferencing technology.
Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at campbellriver.ca/webcasts. 


·         Proof of vaccination at City recreation facilities – Following provincial public health orders, as of Sept. 13, anyone 12 years or older will have to provide proof of vaccination to enter the Sportsplex in Willow Point and the Community Centre downtown. By Oct. 24, people will have to be fully vaccinated for at least seven days to access these facilities. Council authorized a budget of up to $125,000 to set up two check booths with security hosts at the public entrance to these facilities.
Proof of vaccination is not required to vote on Sept. 20 at the Sportsplex.

·         In-person Council meetings to resume in October – Preparing to return to City Hall for in-person meetings, starting Oct. 4, Council gave first three readings of an amendment to the Council procedure bylaw, which permits up to three Council members to participate electronically (the same bylaw language that was in place prior to the COVID-19 pandemic). This bylaw will be brought back for adoption at a special meeting on Sept. 28. Safety procedures and options for public input are being developed.

·         Remedial action approved for two properties – Council directed that the owners of 204 Hilchey Rd. and 845 Marina Blvd. must conduct maintenance on their properties to comply with the municipal public nuisance bylaw. City contractors will perform the work required to achieve compliance in the event that the property owners do not clean up the unsightly premises.

·         Downtown Safety: Implementation Approach – Council approved funding for improved safety throughout the greater downtown area. Council authorized up to $100,000 for night-time security services to monitor public spaces. This service will be provided seven days a week to match the level of private downtown security services contracted by the business community. Council also approved funding of up to $78,000 for increased downtown cleanliness, possibly in partnership with volunteers, or other agencies.


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