This public hearing will be held at 6 p.m., on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, in Council Chambers at 301 St. Ann’s Road.
The City has received a combined application for Zoning Bylaw Amendment No. 3967, 2024 and Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment No. 3968, 2024 at 2950 Dogwood Street South and 608 Beaver Creek Boulevard. (Legal Descriptions: LOT 1 SECTION 17 TOWNSHIP 1 COMOX DISTRICT PLAN EPP75260 EXCEPT PLAN EPP114699 and LOT 2 SECTION 17 TOWNSHIP 1 COMOX DISTRICT PLAN EPP75260 EXCEPT PLAN EPP114701).
The applicant’s proposed amendments include:
- increasing the maximum combined floor area for all commercial uses in both the Jubilee Heights Neighbourhood Plan (Appendix C of the Official Community Plan) and Zoning Bylaw No 3250, 2026 from 6,600m2 to 6,850m2
- increasing the maximum allowable floor area for individual retail occupancies from 600m2 to 925m2 (excluding the grocery store)
- adding “Car Wash” as a permitted use in the Jubilee Heights Comprehensive Development Zone - Area I (CD1-A1)
- modifying the current zoning boundary that delineates the existing CD1-A1 and CD1-A2 zone to align with a proposed two-lot commercial subdivision
The City’s proposed “housekeeping” amendments include:
- adding a stand-alone definition for “Car Wash” to the General Definitions Section
- removing references to Jubilee Heights from the Commercial Three (C-3) Zone that have been superseded by the creation of the Jubilee Heights Neighbourhood Comprehensive Development (CD1) Zone
To register to speak during the public hearing and for more information, contact the City Clerk’s office by email at info@campbellriver.ca or call 250-286-5700.
Written submissions, quoting file number P2400014, will be received no later than 4p.m., on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, by Development Planning at City Hall or via email at planning@campbellriver.ca.
To view supporting application documents please visit our Current Development Applications Map at campbellriver.ca/maps or visit City Hall during business hours. The Report to Council will be available by Friday, August 16, 2024, at campbellriver.ca/public-notices
PLEASE NOTE: Public hearings are recorded and broadcast through the City’s website campbellriver.ca/webcasts. All correspondence submitted will be published as part of the public record when this matter is before Council or a Committee of Council. The author's address is considered relevant and will be included. Do not provide a phone number or email address if you wish to keep this information private. Council is prohibited from receiving any further information after a public hearing.
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