• Oct 04, 2023


    Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.
    The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

    Campbellton Neighbourhood Association Request Support for the River Route Parks and Trail Completion Project
    Laurel Cronk, Chair of the Campbellton Neighbourhood Association, presented to Council, requesting support for the River Route Parks and Trail Completion Project. The project is anticipated to enhance and extend the existing River Route over the next two years. Council directed staff to report back on ways to move forward.

    Alex Witcombe, of Drifted Creations, followed this presentation and shared with Council the River Route Quest, Quinny's Journey, planned for the Campbellton Neighbourhood, led by the Campbellton Neighbourhood Association.  

    Canada Day Committee Presentation Thanking All Canada Day 
    Carol Chapman of the Canada Day Committee presented to Council regarding the 2023 Canada Day Celebration. The impressive turnout from Campbell River residents, support from local businesses and community organizations, and efforts from volunteers were recognized and commended. The committee thanked the City for the ongoing support.

    Remedial Action Regarding Hazardous Trees at 180 Petersen Road
    After receiving a report from staff and hearing from the property owner, Council directed staff to require the owner of the property at 180 Petersen Road to bring the property into compliance with Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3543, 2014 by removing three trees. City contractors are authorized to enter onto the property to perform the necessary work to achieve compliance if required.

    Notice of Motion regarding Nunns Creek Park and Associated Safety Concerns
    Council received a notice of motion from Councillor Lanyon that would direct staff to report back as soon as possible on options to address ongoing concerns with encampments in the Downtown Core and Nunns Creek Park. In support of Council’s notice of motion and recognizing the safety concerns raised by the community regarding Nunns Creek Park and the downtown, staff will be bringing forward a Report to Council at the October 12, 2023 Council meeting.

    Annual Investment Portfolio Update
    Council received a report regarding the City’s Annual Investment Portfolio, which highlighted changes to the City’s investment policy and a framework that was used to support prudent municipal investing over the last year. As a result of these changes, and rising interest rates, the City has seen a significant increase in investment returns. Over the last 12 months the City’s investment portfolio returned $4.6 million to the City for an annualized rate of return of 4.17%. The City expects returns for the next 12-month period to further increase. Furthermore, the 2023 and proposed 2024 budget has realized 2.08% and 1.5% tax decreases respectively because of policy changes and strategic investment.

    Financial Planning Preparation
    (Considered by Council at the September 26, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting.)
    Staff presented reports on the 2024-2033 financial planning timeline and process, and a 2024 financial gap analysis that included measures that could be taken to close the gap and the projected impact these could have on future taxes.

    Council is looking to close the financial gap between City revenues and expenses, to help minimize property taxation increases. Mitigation tactics are being reviewed and pursued. Staff are reviewing services, identifying opportunities, and ensuring that budgets align with Council priorities, to lower expenses and increase revenues to support closing the gap. A detailed list of changes and options that support Council’s Strategic Priorities will be presented to Council in November 2023. Staff will keep the proposed 2024 tax increase within the overall tax parameter of 3.5% as requested by Council and outlined in the Financial Resiliency and Stability Policy.

    Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 3920, 2023
    Amendments were made to Permissive Exemption from Taxation Bylaw No. 3920, 2023, which supports local community organizations that greatly enhance the quality of life in Campbell River. The bylaw was amended to provide the Campbell River Seniors' Centre Society with a Permissive Tax Exemption in the amount of 100% following a report received by Council. A subsequent amendment was made to adjust all 100% tax exemptions to 90% exemptions, and to adjust those less than 100% equally in a pro-rated manner. Storey Creek Golf Course was also added at a 50% exemption. The exemptions for the Vancouver Island Mental Health Society and the Campbell River and District Art Gallery were removed. The amended bylaw was given third reading.

    Correspondence on the bylaw was received by Council from Storey Creek Golf Club (alongside a presentation), Gordon Benson, Rick Johnson, Rod Wilson, Michele Mathew, Campbell River Curling Club, Campbell River Guru Nanak Sikh Society, David Freeman, Greg Manzulenko, as part of the City’s public consultation process.

    Organizations looking to provide feedback on the bylaw and any amendments ahead of the Council meeting on October 12, 2023, may submit written comments to alan.ha@campbellriver.ca or City Hall (301 St. Ann’s Road) by 4 p.m. on October 11, 2023. Council will review the Permissive Exemption from Taxation Policy for the 2025 tax year.

    Community Grants Policy Review
    (Considered by Council at the September 26, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting.)
    Council received a report and approved amendments to the City’s Council Finance Policy, which provides a framework for the Community Partnership Committee to apply when reviewing community grant applications. The amendments would help to ensure policy best practices are being adhered to and that the program is helping to achieve council priorities. Council feedback will be incorporated into the amended policy during a subsequent review at a future Special Committee of the Whole meeting in 2024. Changes to the policy will be used to administer the grant program in 2024.

    Campbell River Situation Table
    (Considered by Council at the September 26, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting.)
    The Situation Table, formed in 2022, is a frontline, multi-sector collaboration that enables public safety, health and social service agencies to proactively identify and rapidly mitigate the underlying risks associated with criminalization, victimization and personal crisis or trauma (e.g., overdose, eviction, etc.) by efficiently connecting people to the services they need. The continued operation of the Campbell River Situation Table aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan and objective of creating a healthy and safe community via crime reduction.

    The City is required to take formal responsibility of the Situation Table to enable the execution of an Integrated Program Agreement (government-to-government agreement with the Province). Council authorized staff to enter into an agreement that will allow the John Howard Society to continue to be the fiscal and program host, the City to continue to provide in-kind support as endorsed by Council, and consultant, Stefanie Hendrickson, to coordinate the program.

    Hazard Conditions (Steep Slopes)—Community Engagement Summary

    (Considered by Council at the September 26, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting.)
    Council received the Steep Slopes Engagement Summary, which identifies key themes heard during public and interest group information sessions and provides options for the next steps in the bylaw amendment process. Council chose to abandon the OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 3869, 2022 at this time.

    Zoning Amendment at 2174 Park Road
    Council gave Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3921, 2023, which would rezone 2174 Park Road from Residential Estate One (RE-1) to Residential One B (R-1B) to allow a single detached dwelling with secondary residence, first, second and third readings. Council decided not to hold a public hearing as it is consistent with the OCP.

    Liquor Primary Licence for 926 Island Highway
    Council supported a change from a Food Primary Liquor Licence to a Liquor Primary Licence at 926 Island Highway (Session Taproom + Kitchen) and provided the Provincial Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) with a resolution in support of the application. This application was first approved by Council on July 20, 2023, however, the LCRB requires a revised resolution and notice to the public that indicates hours of operation and occupancy loads. The revised report includes the most recent LCRB requirements and comments on the regulatory criteria, and property notices have been revised and mailed out in accordance with LCRB recommendations. This change is not anticipated to impact public and patron safety or increase noise or nuisance.

    Ocean Pacific Marine Store and Boatyard Request for Letter of Support
    Council directed staff to provide a letter of support in response to a request from Laura Kempling, Manager of Human Resources and Administration, Ocean Pacific Marine Store and Boatyard, for a letter of support for a provincial grant to aid with the expansion and modernization of infrastructure.



by Tanya Gunn | Oct 04, 2023
Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.
The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Campbellton Neighbourhood Association Request Support for the River Route Parks and Trail Completion Project
Laurel Cronk, Chair of the Campbellton Neighbourhood Association, presented to Council, requesting support for the River Route Parks and Trail Completion Project. The project is anticipated to enhance and extend the existing River Route over the next two years. Council directed staff to report back on ways to move forward.

Alex Witcombe, of Drifted Creations, followed this presentation and shared with Council the River Route Quest, Quinny's Journey, planned for the Campbellton Neighbourhood, led by the Campbellton Neighbourhood Association.  

Canada Day Committee Presentation Thanking All Canada Day 
Carol Chapman of the Canada Day Committee presented to Council regarding the 2023 Canada Day Celebration. The impressive turnout from Campbell River residents, support from local businesses and community organizations, and efforts from volunteers were recognized and commended. The committee thanked the City for the ongoing support.

Remedial Action Regarding Hazardous Trees at 180 Petersen Road
After receiving a report from staff and hearing from the property owner, Council directed staff to require the owner of the property at 180 Petersen Road to bring the property into compliance with Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3543, 2014 by removing three trees. City contractors are authorized to enter onto the property to perform the necessary work to achieve compliance if required.

Notice of Motion regarding Nunns Creek Park and Associated Safety Concerns
Council received a notice of motion from Councillor Lanyon that would direct staff to report back as soon as possible on options to address ongoing concerns with encampments in the Downtown Core and Nunns Creek Park. In support of Council’s notice of motion and recognizing the safety concerns raised by the community regarding Nunns Creek Park and the downtown, staff will be bringing forward a Report to Council at the October 12, 2023 Council meeting.

Annual Investment Portfolio Update
Council received a report regarding the City’s Annual Investment Portfolio, which highlighted changes to the City’s investment policy and a framework that was used to support prudent municipal investing over the last year. As a result of these changes, and rising interest rates, the City has seen a significant increase in investment returns. Over the last 12 months the City’s investment portfolio returned $4.6 million to the City for an annualized rate of return of 4.17%. The City expects returns for the next 12-month period to further increase. Furthermore, the 2023 and proposed 2024 budget has realized 2.08% and 1.5% tax decreases respectively because of policy changes and strategic investment.

Financial Planning Preparation
(Considered by Council at the September 26, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting.)
Staff presented reports on the 2024-2033 financial planning timeline and process, and a 2024 financial gap analysis that included measures that could be taken to close the gap and the projected impact these could have on future taxes.

Council is looking to close the financial gap between City revenues and expenses, to help minimize property taxation increases. Mitigation tactics are being reviewed and pursued. Staff are reviewing services, identifying opportunities, and ensuring that budgets align with Council priorities, to lower expenses and increase revenues to support closing the gap. A detailed list of changes and options that support Council’s Strategic Priorities will be presented to Council in November 2023. Staff will keep the proposed 2024 tax increase within the overall tax parameter of 3.5% as requested by Council and outlined in the Financial Resiliency and Stability Policy.

Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 3920, 2023
Amendments were made to Permissive Exemption from Taxation Bylaw No. 3920, 2023, which supports local community organizations that greatly enhance the quality of life in Campbell River. The bylaw was amended to provide the Campbell River Seniors' Centre Society with a Permissive Tax Exemption in the amount of 100% following a report received by Council. A subsequent amendment was made to adjust all 100% tax exemptions to 90% exemptions, and to adjust those less than 100% equally in a pro-rated manner. Storey Creek Golf Course was also added at a 50% exemption. The exemptions for the Vancouver Island Mental Health Society and the Campbell River and District Art Gallery were removed. The amended bylaw was given third reading.

Correspondence on the bylaw was received by Council from Storey Creek Golf Club (alongside a presentation), Gordon Benson, Rick Johnson, Rod Wilson, Michele Mathew, Campbell River Curling Club, Campbell River Guru Nanak Sikh Society, David Freeman, Greg Manzulenko, as part of the City’s public consultation process.

Organizations looking to provide feedback on the bylaw and any amendments ahead of the Council meeting on October 12, 2023, may submit written comments to alan.ha@campbellriver.ca or City Hall (301 St. Ann’s Road) by 4 p.m. on October 11, 2023. Council will review the Permissive Exemption from Taxation Policy for the 2025 tax year.

Community Grants Policy Review
(Considered by Council at the September 26, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting.)
Council received a report and approved amendments to the City’s Council Finance Policy, which provides a framework for the Community Partnership Committee to apply when reviewing community grant applications. The amendments would help to ensure policy best practices are being adhered to and that the program is helping to achieve council priorities. Council feedback will be incorporated into the amended policy during a subsequent review at a future Special Committee of the Whole meeting in 2024. Changes to the policy will be used to administer the grant program in 2024.

Campbell River Situation Table
(Considered by Council at the September 26, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting.)
The Situation Table, formed in 2022, is a frontline, multi-sector collaboration that enables public safety, health and social service agencies to proactively identify and rapidly mitigate the underlying risks associated with criminalization, victimization and personal crisis or trauma (e.g., overdose, eviction, etc.) by efficiently connecting people to the services they need. The continued operation of the Campbell River Situation Table aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan and objective of creating a healthy and safe community via crime reduction.

The City is required to take formal responsibility of the Situation Table to enable the execution of an Integrated Program Agreement (government-to-government agreement with the Province). Council authorized staff to enter into an agreement that will allow the John Howard Society to continue to be the fiscal and program host, the City to continue to provide in-kind support as endorsed by Council, and consultant, Stefanie Hendrickson, to coordinate the program.

Hazard Conditions (Steep Slopes)—Community Engagement Summary

(Considered by Council at the September 26, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting.)
Council received the Steep Slopes Engagement Summary, which identifies key themes heard during public and interest group information sessions and provides options for the next steps in the bylaw amendment process. Council chose to abandon the OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 3869, 2022 at this time.

Zoning Amendment at 2174 Park Road
Council gave Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3921, 2023, which would rezone 2174 Park Road from Residential Estate One (RE-1) to Residential One B (R-1B) to allow a single detached dwelling with secondary residence, first, second and third readings. Council decided not to hold a public hearing as it is consistent with the OCP.

Liquor Primary Licence for 926 Island Highway
Council supported a change from a Food Primary Liquor Licence to a Liquor Primary Licence at 926 Island Highway (Session Taproom + Kitchen) and provided the Provincial Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) with a resolution in support of the application. This application was first approved by Council on July 20, 2023, however, the LCRB requires a revised resolution and notice to the public that indicates hours of operation and occupancy loads. The revised report includes the most recent LCRB requirements and comments on the regulatory criteria, and property notices have been revised and mailed out in accordance with LCRB recommendations. This change is not anticipated to impact public and patron safety or increase noise or nuisance.

Ocean Pacific Marine Store and Boatyard Request for Letter of Support
Council directed staff to provide a letter of support in response to a request from Laura Kempling, Manager of Human Resources and Administration, Ocean Pacific Marine Store and Boatyard, for a letter of support for a provincial grant to aid with the expansion and modernization of infrastructure.