• Feb 17, 2022

    Downtown Safety Select Committee Reconvenes - NEWS RELEASE

    City Council appoints 10 volunteers for a new term

    At their Feb. 14 In-Camera meeting, Council appointed the following residents and business owners to continue the work of the Downtown Safety Select Committee (DSSC) for a new term:

    • Jim Costain
    • Tim Kraushar
    • Nancy Gurr
    • Allison Kilby
    • Ben Lanyon
    • Rodney Semkiw
    • Dan Samson
    • Heather Gordon Murphy
    • Jonathan Shead
    • Patti Webster

    The DSSC will be supported by Councillors Ron Kerr and Kermit Dahl as Council liaisons, with meetings beginning Feb. 17.

    At the 2021-2030 Financial Plan deliberation meetings, Council committed $225,000 in operating project funds from the City’s gaming reserve for initiatives to improve downtown safety in response to feedback and concerns received from the community. Council then struck a DSSC to report back with recommendations for allocating these funds.

    The DSSC met 14 times in 2021, and provided Council with policy and financial recommendations to consider. The committee also recommended that Council re-establish the select committee to evaluate the progress made to date and advise on further actions.

    “Council appreciates the hard work and recommendations of the DSSC Committee and has been reviewing and actively implementing their recommendations where possible” said Mayor Andy Adams. “We have supported numerous initiatives that aim to revitalize the downtown and create a business-friendly environment, while also increasing resources for enforcement and security to mitigate problem behaviors, and we know there is more to do”.

    To learn more about city committees, visit the City’s website at campbellriver.ca/advisory-committees.


    Contact: Elle Brovold, Corporate Officer | 250-286-5709

    Full news release...


Downtown Safety Select Committee Reconvenes - NEWS RELEASE

by Tanya Gunn | Feb 17, 2022
City Council appoints 10 volunteers for a new term

At their Feb. 14 In-Camera meeting, Council appointed the following residents and business owners to continue the work of the Downtown Safety Select Committee (DSSC) for a new term:

  • Jim Costain
  • Tim Kraushar
  • Nancy Gurr
  • Allison Kilby
  • Ben Lanyon
  • Rodney Semkiw
  • Dan Samson
  • Heather Gordon Murphy
  • Jonathan Shead
  • Patti Webster

The DSSC will be supported by Councillors Ron Kerr and Kermit Dahl as Council liaisons, with meetings beginning Feb. 17.

At the 2021-2030 Financial Plan deliberation meetings, Council committed $225,000 in operating project funds from the City’s gaming reserve for initiatives to improve downtown safety in response to feedback and concerns received from the community. Council then struck a DSSC to report back with recommendations for allocating these funds.

The DSSC met 14 times in 2021, and provided Council with policy and financial recommendations to consider. The committee also recommended that Council re-establish the select committee to evaluate the progress made to date and advise on further actions.

“Council appreciates the hard work and recommendations of the DSSC Committee and has been reviewing and actively implementing their recommendations where possible” said Mayor Andy Adams. “We have supported numerous initiatives that aim to revitalize the downtown and create a business-friendly environment, while also increasing resources for enforcement and security to mitigate problem behaviors, and we know there is more to do”.

To learn more about city committees, visit the City’s website at campbellriver.ca/advisory-committees.


Contact: Elle Brovold, Corporate Officer | 250-286-5709

Full news release...