• Jan 17, 2020

    Curbside recycling and garbage collection back on today

    Emterra has confirmed they're providing curbside recycling and garbage collection along the regular Friday route today.
    Earlier this week, Wednesday and Thursday collection was postponed.

    These routes will be picked up on their regular days next week.

    Twice the permitted amount of garbage will be collected these days -- no extra tag required.

    Questions? Please call Emterra at 250-286-0211. 

Curbside recycling and garbage collection back on today

by Julie Douglas | Jan 17, 2020
Emterra has confirmed they're providing curbside recycling and garbage collection along the regular Friday route today.
Earlier this week, Wednesday and Thursday collection was postponed.

These routes will be picked up on their regular days next week.

Twice the permitted amount of garbage will be collected these days -- no extra tag required.

Questions? Please call Emterra at 250-286-0211.