by Rebecca Szulhan | Jun 07, 2024

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.


Zoning Amendment Bylaw
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3958, 2024. Under new housing legislation passed by the Province through Bill 44: Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 44) in November 2023, the City is required to amend its Zoning Bylaw to permit increased densities on lots that are currently zoned for low-density housing, to allow for residential infill, by June 30, 2023. The proposed amendments include:

  • Consolidating nine restricted zones (RE-1, R-1, R-1A, R-SD, R1-B, R1-C, R-2, R-2A and R-3) into a new Residential Infill Zone (R-I)
  • Amending the RM-1, RM-2, CD-1A1, CD-1A2 and CD-1A3 zones to allow for densities of three to four residential dwelling units per lot
  • Amending LS-R, RU-1, RU-2 and RU-3 zones to permit a secondary suite or additional dwelling unit on a lot, in addition to the principal dwelling
  • Amending parking regulations for lots with one to four dwelling units to require only one stall per unit

Modifying definitions to implement new regulations more clearly

Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw
Council gave third reading to Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3926, 2024, which proposes to expand the Urban Containment Boundary (UBC) to include 276 Finch Road and two properties at 0 Jubilee Parkway.

Conservation covenants related to Environmental Development Permit P1700066 were registered prior to third reading and the applicant is required to register a Land Title Act Section 219 Restrictive Covenant before the bylaw will be considered for adoption. The Land Title Act Section 219 Restrictive Covenant requires a comprehensive master plan that must outline the development of a mix of housing forms consistent with the City’s Housing Needs Assessment, and that limits access to Finch Road to emergency vehicles only.

The proposed Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment is for the expansion of the UCB only and does not currently include any redesignation for residential development, rezoning or any development concept. Future OCP and zoning amendments will be required for development to occur on the subject lands.

Works and Services Bylaw
Council adopted Works and Services Bylaw No. 3948, 2024. The City has undertaken a major review and update of the City’s civil engineering specifications, which were last updated in 2010. The amendments align the City’s standards with industry practice and Master Municipal Construction Documents (MMCD) specifications and standards. MMCD contains a comprehensive set of guidelines and requirements for municipal infrastructure that are generally understood to be representative of current industry practices. The Bylaw update is also intended to enhance fairness and transparency in the development process by articulating design and construction specifications for new infrastructure. The City consulted members of the development community and industry experts about the changes.

Major Development Permit with Variances application at 961 13th Avenue
Council approved Major Development Permit P2300089 for a five-story, 43-unit apartment at 961-13th Avenue. The permit allows for variances to parking requirements from 53 spaces to 45 spaces, to the front-yard setback from 4.5 metres to 3.23 metres, to the side-yard setback from 4.5 metres to 3.72 metres, and to the building height from 15 metres to 16.2 metres. The proposal is consistent with the Development Permit Area Guidelines and the OCP. A Statutory Right of Way for a future transit shelter over existing City infrastructure on the corner of 13th Avenue and Ironwood Street must be registered before a building permit is issued. Landscape security of $207,643, representing 125 per cent of the cost estimate, will also need to be received by the City before a building permit is issued. 

Campbell River RCMP Auxiliary Program

Council directed City staff to work with the Officer-in-Charge of the Campbell River RCMP to implement a Tier 3 Campbell River RCMP Auxiliary Program that would allow a minimum of six unarmed, specially trained volunteers to accompany uniformed RCMP officers to provide non-enforcement support. The national RCMP Auxiliary Program was introduced in 1963 to enhance community policing and crime prevention initiatives. Following a program review and subsequent suspension, BC RCMP and the Province of British Columbia signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the Tier 3 Program in BC, which launched on April 3, 2024. Under the new Tier 3 Program, BC RCMP auxiliaries are volunteers who receive BC Police Act Appointment as sworn peace officers, after completing the approved RCMP and Provincial Ministry of Justice training. They must maintain RCMP security standards and complete a minimum of 180 hours annually, acting accompanied by and under the supervision of a uniformed RCMP officer.

Council authorized a budget of $6,000 for implementing the program and a budget of $6,000 per year over ten years, both to be funded from the Financial Stabilization Reserve. The 2024-2033 Financial Plan will be amended accordingly.

Community Beautification Grants Program

(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on June 4, 2024.)
Council approved in principle three 2024 Partnering Agreements for the City’s Community Beautification Grants Program. The agreements would enable the City to provide funding to the Campbellton Neighbourhood Association, Campbell River Downtown Business Improvement Association and Willow Point Business Improvement Area Society to revitalize public spaces. Previous initiatives that were funded through this program include installing banners and wayfinding signage, public art wraps on utility boxes, decorative light features, flower boxes and baskets, street cleanup and litter abatement, and event programming. Applicants to the Community Beautification Grants Program may be eligible for up to $10,000 in beautification funding provided that matching dollars and in-kind contributions are contributed by the applicant towards total annual project costs. The City will issue the legislated statutory notifications and the proposed Partnering Agreements will be considered for final approval by Council at the June 27, 2024, Regular Council meeting.

Recycling, Organics and Garbage Regulations Bylaw and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment
Council gave first, second and third readings to Recycling, Organics and Garbage Regulations Bylaw No. 3950, 2024, and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3962, 2024. As recommended by the BC Conservation Office, the proposed amendments would align the City’s bylaw with the Wildlife Act and aim to reduce conflicts between humans and wildlife by:

  • Restricting the curbside placement of garbage, recycling and food waste to the day of collection
  • Prohibiting garbage from being put out the evening before collection
  • Requiring owners to take reasonable steps to secure and store garbage, recyclables and food waste
  • Requiring that when pick-ups are missed, full containers are brought back from the curbside by 8 p.m. that day.

The City’s primary approach to resolve bylaw contraventions would be education and outreach, with educational support from the provincial Conservation Officer Service and Wild Wise Campbell River.

2023 Statement of Financial Information

Council approved the 2023 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI), which must be produced annually under the Financial Information Act and the Community Charter, and directed staff to file the report with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. The SOFI report details the amounts paid to Mayor and Council, as well as staff and suppliers for the year ended December 31, 2023.

2023 Annual Development Cost Charges Report
Council approved the 2023 Annual Development Cost Charges Report, which the City must produce annually under the Local Government Act, and directed staff to file the report with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. The report provides a reconciliation of amounts transferred into reserve and what has been used to fund eligible projects in 2023.

Budget Amendment for Dogwood Detention Pond Rehabilitation

Council approved an increase to the project budget for the Dogwood Detention Pond Rehabilitation Project, from $125,000 to $255,000, funded from the Stormwater Parcel Tax Reserve. The 2024-2033 Financial Plan will be amended accordingly. The Dogwood Detention Pond is a vital component of Campbell River’s stormwater management infrastructure. Rehabilitation work is required to maintain water quality, support the City’s development targets, and minimize risks to the environment.

Campbell River Micro Market Units

Four micro units will be installed on the corner of 13th Avenue and Shoppers Row, beside the Campbell River Art Gallery. Each unit, sized at 8 feet by 20 feet, will feature affordable, secure retail space to support entrepreneurs who are transitioning their home or market-based businesses to storefront locations. The units are temporary and are constructed as modified shipping containers. Council deemed the units to be temporary buildings that are not subject to the BC Building Code; the City will assume any associated liabilities. The units are being reviewed by an architect.

For more information about the Campbell River Micro Market, and to submit a vendor application, visit getinvolved.campbellriver.ca/micro-market.

Chauffeur and Taxi Licences in Campbell River

Council moved to send a letter to the Province of British Columbia in support of additional chauffeur and taxi licences in the Campbell River region.

New Audio-Visual System Being Installed in Council Chambers
The City is installing a new audio-visual system in Council Chambers. The new system will allow meeting participants who are actively speaking to be viewable whether they are in Council Chambers or attending remotely, improve video playback, and reduce echo effects.

New screens in Council Chambers will allow the audience to view content more clearly. New split-screen streaming options will improve the virtual audience experience. Virtual viewers can continue to watch Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.  

Council acknowledged Terry Sommerville, Miracles in the Marketplace Inc., who has provided audio-visual support for the City’s Council meetings for several years. Sommerville is stepping down from this role as of the June 4, 2024, Regular Council meeting.




by Rebecca Szulhan | Jun 07, 2024

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.


Zoning Amendment Bylaw
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3958, 2024. Under new housing legislation passed by the Province through Bill 44: Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 44) in November 2023, the City is required to amend its Zoning Bylaw to permit increased densities on lots that are currently zoned for low-density housing, to allow for residential infill, by June 30, 2023. The proposed amendments include:

  • Consolidating nine restricted zones (RE-1, R-1, R-1A, R-SD, R1-B, R1-C, R-2, R-2A and R-3) into a new Residential Infill Zone (R-I)
  • Amending the RM-1, RM-2, CD-1A1, CD-1A2 and CD-1A3 zones to allow for densities of three to four residential dwelling units per lot
  • Amending LS-R, RU-1, RU-2 and RU-3 zones to permit a secondary suite or additional dwelling unit on a lot, in addition to the principal dwelling
  • Amending parking regulations for lots with one to four dwelling units to require only one stall per unit

Modifying definitions to implement new regulations more clearly

Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw
Council gave third reading to Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3926, 2024, which proposes to expand the Urban Containment Boundary (UBC) to include 276 Finch Road and two properties at 0 Jubilee Parkway.

Conservation covenants related to Environmental Development Permit P1700066 were registered prior to third reading and the applicant is required to register a Land Title Act Section 219 Restrictive Covenant before the bylaw will be considered for adoption. The Land Title Act Section 219 Restrictive Covenant requires a comprehensive master plan that must outline the development of a mix of housing forms consistent with the City’s Housing Needs Assessment, and that limits access to Finch Road to emergency vehicles only.

The proposed Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment is for the expansion of the UCB only and does not currently include any redesignation for residential development, rezoning or any development concept. Future OCP and zoning amendments will be required for development to occur on the subject lands.

Works and Services Bylaw
Council adopted Works and Services Bylaw No. 3948, 2024. The City has undertaken a major review and update of the City’s civil engineering specifications, which were last updated in 2010. The amendments align the City’s standards with industry practice and Master Municipal Construction Documents (MMCD) specifications and standards. MMCD contains a comprehensive set of guidelines and requirements for municipal infrastructure that are generally understood to be representative of current industry practices. The Bylaw update is also intended to enhance fairness and transparency in the development process by articulating design and construction specifications for new infrastructure. The City consulted members of the development community and industry experts about the changes.

Major Development Permit with Variances application at 961 13th Avenue
Council approved Major Development Permit P2300089 for a five-story, 43-unit apartment at 961-13th Avenue. The permit allows for variances to parking requirements from 53 spaces to 45 spaces, to the front-yard setback from 4.5 metres to 3.23 metres, to the side-yard setback from 4.5 metres to 3.72 metres, and to the building height from 15 metres to 16.2 metres. The proposal is consistent with the Development Permit Area Guidelines and the OCP. A Statutory Right of Way for a future transit shelter over existing City infrastructure on the corner of 13th Avenue and Ironwood Street must be registered before a building permit is issued. Landscape security of $207,643, representing 125 per cent of the cost estimate, will also need to be received by the City before a building permit is issued. 

Campbell River RCMP Auxiliary Program

Council directed City staff to work with the Officer-in-Charge of the Campbell River RCMP to implement a Tier 3 Campbell River RCMP Auxiliary Program that would allow a minimum of six unarmed, specially trained volunteers to accompany uniformed RCMP officers to provide non-enforcement support. The national RCMP Auxiliary Program was introduced in 1963 to enhance community policing and crime prevention initiatives. Following a program review and subsequent suspension, BC RCMP and the Province of British Columbia signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the Tier 3 Program in BC, which launched on April 3, 2024. Under the new Tier 3 Program, BC RCMP auxiliaries are volunteers who receive BC Police Act Appointment as sworn peace officers, after completing the approved RCMP and Provincial Ministry of Justice training. They must maintain RCMP security standards and complete a minimum of 180 hours annually, acting accompanied by and under the supervision of a uniformed RCMP officer.

Council authorized a budget of $6,000 for implementing the program and a budget of $6,000 per year over ten years, both to be funded from the Financial Stabilization Reserve. The 2024-2033 Financial Plan will be amended accordingly.

Community Beautification Grants Program

(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on June 4, 2024.)
Council approved in principle three 2024 Partnering Agreements for the City’s Community Beautification Grants Program. The agreements would enable the City to provide funding to the Campbellton Neighbourhood Association, Campbell River Downtown Business Improvement Association and Willow Point Business Improvement Area Society to revitalize public spaces. Previous initiatives that were funded through this program include installing banners and wayfinding signage, public art wraps on utility boxes, decorative light features, flower boxes and baskets, street cleanup and litter abatement, and event programming. Applicants to the Community Beautification Grants Program may be eligible for up to $10,000 in beautification funding provided that matching dollars and in-kind contributions are contributed by the applicant towards total annual project costs. The City will issue the legislated statutory notifications and the proposed Partnering Agreements will be considered for final approval by Council at the June 27, 2024, Regular Council meeting.

Recycling, Organics and Garbage Regulations Bylaw and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment
Council gave first, second and third readings to Recycling, Organics and Garbage Regulations Bylaw No. 3950, 2024, and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3962, 2024. As recommended by the BC Conservation Office, the proposed amendments would align the City’s bylaw with the Wildlife Act and aim to reduce conflicts between humans and wildlife by:

  • Restricting the curbside placement of garbage, recycling and food waste to the day of collection
  • Prohibiting garbage from being put out the evening before collection
  • Requiring owners to take reasonable steps to secure and store garbage, recyclables and food waste
  • Requiring that when pick-ups are missed, full containers are brought back from the curbside by 8 p.m. that day.

The City’s primary approach to resolve bylaw contraventions would be education and outreach, with educational support from the provincial Conservation Officer Service and Wild Wise Campbell River.

2023 Statement of Financial Information

Council approved the 2023 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI), which must be produced annually under the Financial Information Act and the Community Charter, and directed staff to file the report with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. The SOFI report details the amounts paid to Mayor and Council, as well as staff and suppliers for the year ended December 31, 2023.

2023 Annual Development Cost Charges Report
Council approved the 2023 Annual Development Cost Charges Report, which the City must produce annually under the Local Government Act, and directed staff to file the report with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. The report provides a reconciliation of amounts transferred into reserve and what has been used to fund eligible projects in 2023.

Budget Amendment for Dogwood Detention Pond Rehabilitation

Council approved an increase to the project budget for the Dogwood Detention Pond Rehabilitation Project, from $125,000 to $255,000, funded from the Stormwater Parcel Tax Reserve. The 2024-2033 Financial Plan will be amended accordingly. The Dogwood Detention Pond is a vital component of Campbell River’s stormwater management infrastructure. Rehabilitation work is required to maintain water quality, support the City’s development targets, and minimize risks to the environment.

Campbell River Micro Market Units

Four micro units will be installed on the corner of 13th Avenue and Shoppers Row, beside the Campbell River Art Gallery. Each unit, sized at 8 feet by 20 feet, will feature affordable, secure retail space to support entrepreneurs who are transitioning their home or market-based businesses to storefront locations. The units are temporary and are constructed as modified shipping containers. Council deemed the units to be temporary buildings that are not subject to the BC Building Code; the City will assume any associated liabilities. The units are being reviewed by an architect.

For more information about the Campbell River Micro Market, and to submit a vendor application, visit getinvolved.campbellriver.ca/micro-market.

Chauffeur and Taxi Licences in Campbell River

Council moved to send a letter to the Province of British Columbia in support of additional chauffeur and taxi licences in the Campbell River region.

New Audio-Visual System Being Installed in Council Chambers
The City is installing a new audio-visual system in Council Chambers. The new system will allow meeting participants who are actively speaking to be viewable whether they are in Council Chambers or attending remotely, improve video playback, and reduce echo effects.

New screens in Council Chambers will allow the audience to view content more clearly. New split-screen streaming options will improve the virtual audience experience. Virtual viewers can continue to watch Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.  

Council acknowledged Terry Sommerville, Miracles in the Marketplace Inc., who has provided audio-visual support for the City’s Council meetings for several years. Sommerville is stepping down from this role as of the June 4, 2024, Regular Council meeting.


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