• Jul 28, 2020

    City Council sends video message Help Us Help Each Other to encourage charitable donations

    As Campbell River passes the four-month mark of COVID-19 times, City Council is sending out another short video message to encourage people to make charitable donations if possible.

    “With COVID-19 and the major changes we’re facing together, some of us need more help to make it through,” says Mayor Andy Adams. “We’re hoping to encourage anyone who has the means and hasn’t yet donated to local organizations to consider doing that.

    The video highlights that local non-profits – which don’t have the same opportunities for fundraising during the pandemic – are working to provide the basics for many people in need. See the video on the City’s COVID-19 webpage or on the YouTube channel 


City Council sends video message Help Us Help Each Other to encourage charitable donations

by Tanya Gunn | Jul 28, 2020

As Campbell River passes the four-month mark of COVID-19 times, City Council is sending out another short video message to encourage people to make charitable donations if possible.

“With COVID-19 and the major changes we’re facing together, some of us need more help to make it through,” says Mayor Andy Adams. “We’re hoping to encourage anyone who has the means and hasn’t yet donated to local organizations to consider doing that.

The video highlights that local non-profits – which don’t have the same opportunities for fundraising during the pandemic – are working to provide the basics for many people in need. See the video on the City’s COVID-19 webpage or on the YouTube channel