Roundabouts in Campbell River

Roundabouts are another way of assigning right-of-way at intersections. Roundabouts have been proven to be safer than traffic signals with reductions in both the frequency and severity of collisions.  

Rockland Road Roundabout

A roundabout was constructed at the Rockland Road/Highway 19A in summer/fall 2020 as part of the Highway 19A Upgrades project.

  • In a public consultation process during fall 2019, a ‘tidal pool’ design was selected for the centre feature. Construction of the centre feature is TBD.
  • Roundabout FAQ
  • Roundabout/Traffic Light Cost Comparison Cost Comparison

Benefits of Roundabouts

Roundabouts are a traffic management tool that have been shown to be safer than traffic signals while maintaining traffic flow.

Other benefits to installing roundabouts, include:

  • Improving safety for all road users – pedestrians, cyclists and motorists
  • Reducing speed, which results in reduced number and severity of crashes
  • Reducing traffic noise and vehicle emissions – compared to traditional signalized intersections, vehicles at roundabouts do not stop and accelerate, or idle
  • Enhancing appearance of intersection
  • Lower construction and maintenance costs compared to traffic lights (see comparison here)

Using a roundabout

In a roundabout, traffic flows in a counter-clockwise direction around a centre island, which helps to reduce traffic delays and collisions while continuing to keep traffic flowing. Drivers don't have to stop before entering a roundabout unless there is a vehicle or pedestrian in their way, so traffic flows slowly and continuously, in the same direction, and all exits are right turns.

To use a roundabout safely, remember:

  • When your car approaches a roundabout, slow down and watch for pedestrians. If there are any pedestrians at the cross walk, wait for them to cross.
  • Wait for a safe gap in traffic already in the circle before you enter the circle.
  • Traffic inside the roundabout has the right-of-way and vehicles entering the roundabout must yield. That means that when you are in the roundabout, do NOT stop to let other vehicles enter.
  • Follow the traffic signs and road markings, and signal before choosing your exit.
  • As you exit, watch for pedestrians. If there are any pedestrians at the cross walk, wait for them to cross.

Using your turn signal in a roundabout:
Your turn signal will let drivers behind you know your planned route, and advise those waiting to enter the circle. Here are ICBC’s guidelines on turn signal use in roundabouts:

  • If turning right: Signal right on your approach to the roundabout, and continuously signal right until the right turn is complete.
  • If driving straight through: You don’t need to signal when entering the roundabout – but right-hand signal should be used when exiting.
  • If turning left: Signal left on approach to the roundabout, and continuously signal left until approaching the exit. Signal right to exit.

Roundabouts are always designed to ensure emergency vehicles can safely pass through. 

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